
University of Genoa, Italy

Master Degree in Computer Science - Software Engineering
2021 - Today
  • Thesis: "...".
  • Supervised by: Not available yet
  • Project on GitHub: Not available yet

University of Genoa, Italy

Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
2018 - 2021
  • Thesis: "Consensus in decentralized systems: Proof-of-Something".
  • Supervised by: Marina Ribaudo
  • Final Mark: 91/110

Linguistic high school

High school diploma
2013 - 2018
  • Thesis: "From Mr.Robot to historical events".

Things I Can Do

Software Modelling and Engineering

  • UML (VisualParadigm), ADD Method, Agile methods, Testing (JUnit, Selenium)

  • Development

  • C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Node.js

  • Web Development

  • HTML5, CSS3 (Bootstrap, SCSS), Javascript (JQuery), PHP

  • Mobile Development

  • Java (Android Studio)

  • Databases

  • PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Firebase

  • Distributed, Concurrent and Parallel Computing

  • Sockets, Threads, Concurrent Data Structures

  • Data Science and Digital Analysis

  • Python (SciPy, NumPy, Pandas, Fourier Analysis), MATLAB

  • Machine Learning and AI

  • Python (SkLearn)

  • CyberSecurity

  • Web Security, Binary Analysis, Cryptography, Network Security, ...

  • Cloud

  • Docker Swarm

  • System Administration

  • Linux, Bash Scripting, Configurations

  • Version Control and Virtualization

  • Git, Github, Docker

  • Others

  • Italian mother-tongue, Fluent in English, Little fluent in spanish, Little fluent in French, Problem solving, Team-Work
  • Experience

    All my projects can be found on my github page

    Ethical Hacking CTF (Capture the Flag) hosted by, aimed to make the regional teams for the national finals. I have been chosen as member of my university Team.

    Contact Me